Search Sales Invoices

#1 Search Sales Invoices


The search sales invoices procedure has been created in order to enable the user to search easily invoices, that have been previously inserted, in order to view, edit, delete and cancel them or to insert a new invoice, after having obtained the necessary user’s rights for these operations.

Through filters it is possible to view: a document (e.g. search by document number), more documents (e.g. search by date), documents inserted in a year (e.g. search by year), documents inserted by a certain customer (e.g. search by account/detail account), documents inserted by a certain agent or related to a sales job order (only if job order has been inserted on header). Then there is the possibility to search documents that have a certain item or items class by using 'Search Items'.

RIBBON BAR: it represents the Form menu, that is the area in which it is possible to perform actions. The list of features is the following:

Search InvoicesButton to search for invoices on database.
New InvoiceButton to create a new invoice.
Edit InvoiceButton to edit a previously inserted invoice.
View InvoiceButton to view the previously inserted invoices. It does not permit any modifications.
Delete InvoiceButton to delete a previously inserted invoice.
Reversal of InvoiceButton to create reversal document of the inserted original invoice. When the user performs the reversal, a form appears with the list of all items belonging to original invoice and the user has to select the item movement template and to set the reversal flag and lastly the invoice type to be created. The connection between the reversal invoice and original invoice has to be inserted manually by the user on Ref. Invoice and type fields.
Duplicate InvoiceButton to duplicate an invoice. It enables the user to duplicate a document, considering all original document conditions, but with present data.
ConversionButton for conversion of document prices to another currency.
Links - Reports
Sales InvoicesIt refers to the procedure to print the sales invoices according to specified filter criteria (invoice type, number, date, customer, etc).
Sales Invoices ListIt refers to the procedure to print an invoices list according to specified filter criteria (invoice type, number, date, customer), offering the possibility to the user to order according to customer, invoice number, invoice type or insertion date.
InvoicingIt refers to the procedure to print sales invoices, according to specific filter criteria (invoice type, number, date, customer), offering the possibility to the user to order according to item, items class, country, customer.
Links - Procedures
Sales Invoices AccountingThe procedure enables the user to account sales invoices.
Create from DNThe procedure enables the user to create a sales invoice from one or more DN.
Warehouse Direct Invoice UnloadThe procedure enables the user to unload a sales invoice from warehouse.

FILTER AREA: the filter area contains the list of the possible data types thanks to which it is possible to perform a selection. Typically filters have 'AND' condition and it is possible to specify more search filters at the same time.

RESULT GRID: the result grid represents the list of invoices which correspond to filter data, above mentioned. After having specified values through which it is possible to obtain a records search, the user, by clicking on [Search] button on the related Ribbon, will obtain the list of the desired invoices on the result grid.

BuildDate : 09 luglio 2013

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